I've missed a few months on this, sorry about that.
[But no one posted a comment on December's Win Wise Reading book which was Reveille of the Heart, by Kimberlee R. Mendoza so that may become available again in a future month.]
March's Win Wise Reading book is The Wish, by Gail Carson Levine!
Add a comment to that book review to be entered in the drawing!
Entry deadline is the 24th of the month. Winner will be randomly selected on the 25th.
Ratings Breakdown
If there is nothing objectionable in any of the criteria, the book will be given a W rating, for Wise Reading.
If there are mild occurrences of caution-worthy criteria, the book will receive a UD rating, for Use Discernment.
If the book contains more mature themes and language, the rating will be SC, for Strongly Cautioned.
If the theme, language, sexual/drug content, and blasphemies are pervasive the book will be marked NR, Not Recommended for a Christian audience.
These ratings do not tell whether the book is good or not. If you want further details, read the review and criteria statistics attached to the particular book in question.
"I will set nothing wicked before my eyes." Psalm 101:3
YA for the Wise exists to give reading recommendations and appropriate caution for readers who desire to honor God with what they put before their eyes.
an avid reader who is in the process of revising her first YA Christian fiction novel. She is passionate about the glory and honor of her holy, holy, holy God and Savior, Jesus Christ. She lives in Southern California with her husband and yellow labrador, Honey Bee.