New on YA for the Wise: 'Win Wise Reading' Drawings!

That's right! I want to get wise reading materials into your hands. So, I'm starting a new drawing where if you sign up as a blog follower or you post a comment on a review you will be entered to win a book that has been rated WISE! I am starting out doing this monthly. Once I get more books with a Wise rating I hope to switch to semi-weekly.

Here's how to play…

If you've already signed up to follow this blog, then you are automatically entered in this first contest. For future contests you will have to post a comment on a review in order to be entered.

If you are visiting and haven't signed up to follow yet, doing so will enter you for a chance to win.

Also for every comment (that I moderate and approve) that you submit you will also be entered.

Finally, if you want two credits for entry into the giveaway, post a link to this blog on your site and then enter a comment on any review with your website's address. Once the link is confirmed, I'll put your name in the "hat" TWICE for this move!

The drawing will be randomly selected from the entered names on the 25th of the month and I will post the name of the winner! (the winner must email me with their address in order to receive the book. I will not use your address for any other purpose than to send the book to you.)

This first month's Wise book drawing will be for Ida B. by Katherine Hannigan (rated for all ages).

I hope you have fun with this!

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