This was a fun book to read as some of the settings were in San Diego, but also for the interesting plot lines that took me into the world of army training and life on an army base. It was enjoyable living vicariously through main character Cami as she struggled with making the cut, making friends and making tough decisions with her life.

Visit Kimberlee R. Mendoza's website here.
Reveille of the Heart,
by Kimberlee R. Mendoza
213 pages
Summary: Fresh out of high school, Cami Harrison joins the army to solve the problem of how she'll pay for school and where she'll get a job. She leaves her family and long-time boyfriend behind to make her way in the army. She expects training to be difficult, what she doesn't expect is Nathan Porter, fellow soldier, who becomes her best friend. Her relationships with the two men in her life are tested when Trevor, her boyfriend, proposes. She must decide between the man who always has occupied her dreams of the future and the one who stands true beside her every day.
THEMES: friendship and love; army; Christian values
SOFT LANGUAGE (heard on cable TV): ZERO occurrences
VIOLENCE: ZERO occurences
SEXUAL CONTENT: The threat of a guy forcing himself on the main character looms in one scene. It is not glamorized in any way and is expressed without being explicit.
DRUG USE: Trevor, the boyfriend, orders a pitcher of beer at a pizza joint. Even though he is of legal age to consume alcohol it is not something that Cami finds favorable.
BLASPHEMIES: ZERO occurrences of God's name used in vain.
REFERENCES TO AND GENERAL ATTITUDE TOWARD GOD: Both Cami and Nathan have a proper biblical view of God. They pray when they find themselves in a predicament, and read their Bibles to find comfort and direction. Their attitudes toward God are refreshing in a world full of books that spit upon His holiness.
This book is December 2009's pick for the Win Wise Reading book giveaway!!! For a chance to win a copy, enter a comment on this post. One winner will be selected randomly on the 25th. Last chance to enter is Dec. 24th!
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Christian values,
friendship and love,
Kimberlee R Mendoza,

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1 Response
This is a great book, a follow-up book is available called Taps to the Soul-- I recommend that one, too.