This is a little deviation from the normal books that are posted here due to the younger target audience, but it is worth noting as a "Juvenile Fiction for the Wise."

The Lightlings, while not Young Adult fiction, is worth having as part of your collection to minister to youngsters in your life-- kids you babysit, or young cousins, nieces and nephews, siblings... or to prepare a Wise library for future children of your own (which is my aim.)
There is no objectionable passage in the book, and not only is it free from conspicuously evil content, it is biblically sound, with Parent Follow-up questions in the back which point families to the True and Faithful Light of the World through scripture and heart-examination.
The Lightlings,
R.C. Sproul
Beautifully illustrated by Justin Gerard
42 pages
Summary: When Charlie asks why he is afraid of the dark, his grandfather takes the opportunity to illuminate with charming allegory why many people are actually afraid of the light.
THEMES: Creation, Kingship, sin, fear, worship, redemption, trust, image-bearers
REFERENCES TO AND GENERAL ATTITUDE TOWARD GOD: In this allegory, God is portrayed as the King of Light, and His Son, whom the King of Light sent to become a lightling to save the lost, would grow up to be known as the Light of the World. The general regard for the holiness and worthiness of the King to be worshiped, adored and obeyed, is commendable and the follow-up questions as a springboard for further discussion and Biblical study is a great tool in the hands of parents who want to raise up their children in the fear and admonition of the LORD.
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YA for the wise

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