This was a very difficult rating to give-- not to mention the fact that I would have preferred my first rating to not have been the harshest available. The book had so much potential! It was cleverly filled with cartoon drawings, making it original, and the writing for the most part was humorous.
But when you look at the Criteria Statistics, I hope you'll see why I, as a Christian wanting to encourage responsible, God-honoring reading, felt compelled to give it this rating.
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian,
by Sherman Alexie
230 Pages
Library of Congress summary: Budding cartoonist Junior leaves his troubled school on the Spokane Indian Reservation to attend an all-white farm town school where the only other Indian is the school mascot.
FOUL LANGUAGE: 39 occurrences (one "F-bomb")
SOFT LANGUAGE (heard on cable TV, but undesirable in the mouths of Christians): 32 occurrences
SEXUAL CONTENT: 22 occurrences
BLASPHEMIES: 11 occurrences of the Lord's name used as a swear word.
DRUG USE: alcohol use rampant around the characters, but never in a glamorous light.
REFERENCES TO AND GENERAL ATTITUDE TOWARD GOD: 5 occurrences. Very casual, crude, disrespectful. Examples: "More than anything, I wanted to kill God." (page 173), also main character refers to God creating thumbs so that boys could gratify themselves.
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Great Great review.
I'd love to read reviews for the two books you gave to Sadie and Kinley as gifts two years ago, was it? If there is anyway you could do that?
Any way.... I love you.
*laugh* I hope you find the humor in the misuse of anyway/any way after our conversation about it the other day. =)
I can't wait for the Twilight reviews. They are so popular and I wonder if I should jump on the bandwagon or not....
*wondering* are you gonna review the Harry Potter Series?
I'll see if I can get those two books reviewed... One I already plan to (Chasing Vermeer, by Blue Balliett), and the other should be easy enough.
I've thought about doing the HP series, but don't know if it's been done to death. I probably will eventually, but it might not be for a little while.
I've read the first three books of the Twilight series-- Eclipse (book three) had some questionable themes for a young audience, but are well written and compelling. There's a little sneak peek at my review... I'll give more details in the final write-up