Here is the break-down of the ratings for this blog:
These ratings do not tell you whether the book is good or not. If you want further details, read the review and criteria statistics attached to the particular book in question.

If there is nothing objectionable in any of the criteria, the book will be given a W rating, for Wise Reading.

If there are mild occurrences of caution-worthy criteria, the book will receive a UD rating, for Use Discernment.
If the book contains more mature themes and language the rating will be SC, for Strongly Cautioned.

If the theme, language, sexual/drug content, and blasphemies are pervasive the book will be marked NR, Not Recommended for a Christian audience.
These ratings do not tell you whether the book is good or not. If you want further details, read the review and criteria statistics attached to the particular book in question.
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