I am so pleased to post the review of this book. It is about a million miles away from a NR rating and is so good it lands itself at just-about perfect. I absolutely loved Ida B's voice, she has the greatest sayings and the cleverest way of expressing herself. The reading is not interrupted at all with foul language or inappropriate themes. I could hug Katherine Hannigan in a powerful way.
Even though this book is on the "young" side of YA, I would recommend it to any age reader because the writing is so enjoyable and the main character so endearing.
by Katherine Hannigan
246 pages
Library of Congress summary: Fourth grader Ida B spends happy hours being homeschooled and playing in her family's apple orchard, until circumstances force her parents to sell part of the orchard and send her to public school.
THEMES: Family life; School; Nature- Caretakers of the earth; Sickness
FOUL LANGUAGE: ZERO occurrences!!! Thank you Katherine Hannigan
SOFT LANGUAGE (heard on cable TV): The absolute worst thing that occurs is on page 104: "You poor suckers," I wanted to say, and I don't usually use that sort of language. :o)
BLASPHEMIES: ZERO occurrences of the misuse of the Lord's name.
DRUG USE: ZERO occurrences.
REFERENCES TO AND GENERAL ATTITUDE TOWARD GOD: God is not mentioned, but heaven and church are. Under the circumstances the family faced, my heart yearned for them to pray, but the book doesn't claim to be from a Christian worldview. I'd rather no mention of God than a misrepresentation of Him.
A special 'Thank you!' to Jade who said this is her "favorite book that she has ever read." It was a great joy to read.
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Ida B,
Katherine Hannigan,
YA for the wise

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2 Responses
Christa, this site is so good! This is definitely a useful resource for Christian parents.
I have an author/illustrator friend who also reviews books for young adults, but not from the standpoint of whether it's good for Christian audiences. But her approach is very creative. You might be interested in looking at it. The URL is: http://www.toadhillreviews.com/. She's even been able to interview an author or two on her blog.
She also has a teenage daughter and a couple of her friends who review books for teens. Again, not (in ANY way) from a Christian perspective, but very creative. The URL is: http://www.3evilcousins.blogspot.com/
Love you!
I love this review. Especially your "soft language" quote. Very cute!